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Leadership Course: Leading Self, Others and Teams

Course Information

Leadership. Inspiring and enabling organisations to create and realise optimal value.

Leadership is not a position but a mindset, skillset and set of strategies that helps staff at all levels of an organisation be more effective in working with and through their most valuable asset - their people.

This interactive, one-day program will give you a good understanding of what leadership is and why it matters, and an appreciation of your leadership style and how to develop this competence so that you optimise your personal level of effectiveness and fulfilment in your role.

The course begins with a conversation around the difference between leading and managing and the traits that makes one a leader others would willingly follow. It then proceeds to a discussion of self-leadership, an appreciation of your emotional intelligence and its impact on your leadership potential, and how to develop your emotional competencies. What follows then are discussions around how to lead others, how to lead your teams and develop a culture that brings out the best in your people. Each is a vital skillset that and will help you excel within your current team environment, no matter what your current role is.

This course is for you if you are an emerging leader, have leadership aspirations, or have recently moved into a managerial or supervisory role.


The aim of this course is to arm you with a broad understanding of what leadership is, why it matters and how to develop this valuable competency so that you can realise even more of your highest potential, contribute more effectively in your role and be able to help guide your organisation to higher performance.


By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • articulate the difference between managing and leading
  • understand what it means to lead from within and how to shape your thoughts, emotions and actions to that that’s congruent with “leadership”
  • assess your level of emotional intelligence and create a plan to develop this
  • practice skills to influence yourself and others more effectively
  • further develop your skills to effectively manage tasks and people
  • actively build and contribute to an effective organisational culture.


Leading versus managing

  • Leadership traits
  • Leadership – born or made
  • Leading versus managing

Leading self

  • The role of emotional intelligence in your leadership journey
  • Self-awareness and leadership
  • Self-management and motivation

Leading others

  • Framework of influence
  • How to influence with integrity
  • Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation

Leading teams

  • Five attributes of highly functional teams
  • Your leading style and how it affects culture
  • Setting your people and teams up for success

Intended audience

Aspiring leaders and managers, or those new to leadership and management roles.

Delivery modes

  • Face-to-face, presenter-taught training
  • Online training via the platform Zoom

Delivery style

Information sessions supported by interactive activities and class discussions.


Any course handouts are distributed electronically using Dropbox.


Leadership Course: Leading Self, Others and Teams

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Leadership"}</p>

<p>Leadership is not a position but a mindset, skillset and set of strategies that helps staff at all levels of an organisation be more effective in

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Fri 7 Mar 2025
9am - 5pm (UTC+11:00)
Leadership Course: Leading Self, Others and Teams

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Leadership"}</p>

<p>Leadership is not a position but a mindset, skillset and set of strategies that helps staff at all levels of an organisation be more effective in

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Leadership Course: Leading Self, Others and Teams

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Leadership"}</p>

<p>Leadership is not a position but a mindset, skillset and set of strategies that helps staff at all levels of an organisation be more effective in

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Tue 24 Jun 2025
9am - 5pm (UTC+10:00)
Leadership Course: Leading Self, Others and Teams

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Leadership"}</p>

<p>Leadership is not a position but a mindset, skillset and set of strategies that helps staff at all levels of an organisation be more effective in

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2025-05-02 Fri 2 May 2025 2025-05-02 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm (UTC+10:00)
1 session, 8 hours total
$690 Limited GST free
Online via Zoom
Fri 2 May 2025
9am - 5pm (UTC+10:00)
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Meet the facilitators

“Be the light or the mirror that reflects it.” Dominic Siow is the quintessential optimist. A passionate transformation coach, he has dedicated the past 17 years of his career to helping...

"Your purpose in life should be to find your purpose in life. Find what lights you up and makes you happy and do it every-single-day!" Dale White is an international coach, trainer, exercise...

What others say

How to enrol

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.


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