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Performance Management Course: Enhancing Team Success

Course Information

Management. Lift your career and your organisation.

The role of the manager is to deliver results. To do this, they need to be able to recruit well, develop relationships and ensure their staff perform.  

Many of us have been in teams where an individual’s poor performance has gone unaddressed for extended periods and have seen the impact this has had on ourselves and our colleagues. This situation reflects badly on the manager, whose perceived inaction frustrates those that are performing, and makes no difference in attitude and behaviour to those that are not. There is no space in the modern, efficient workplace to have ‘spectators’ in the group; underperforming, criticising the manager and team, and hindering the progress of  the business.  

As a manager are you going to tackle or tolerate this problem? 

This course will cover how to set up your staff for success right from the beginning, including strategies for resetting expectations if necessary, effectively monitoring and addressing both positive and negative outcomes, and managing those that get off track. Scripts will be provided that can be adjusted to suit both the manager and staff member.  


The aim of this course is to equip managers with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage the performance of their team. To be able to maintain and increase the performance of those who are already performing well and to coach, guide and, if necessary, terminate those who are failing to meet the required standards. You will leave feeling empowered to have the required performance conversations with your staff. 


By the end of this course you should be able to: 

  • communicate clear expectations and performance measures 
  • relate performance goals to the organisational strategy 
  • give both positive and corrective feedback using a four-step process 
  • recognise and reward high performance 
  • motivate your high performers to stay engaged, growing and contributing 
  • manage under performance promptly and appropriately according to policy and legislation 
  • prepare for a one-on-one ‘corrective performance conversation’  
  • conduct performance appraisal meetings.


During the day you will learn: 

  • the fundamentals of performance management 
  • the connection between organisational strategy and performance goals 
  • how to write and communicate task expectations and measures 
  • what people are motivated by 
  • why people behave the way they do and how to tap into this 
  • how to recognise and reward great performance 
  • how to manage poor performance 
  • how to write a script for performance conversations 
  • the four-step process to providing both positive and corrective feedback 
  • how to handle push back and upset by your staff member 
  • how to prepare and run an effective appraisal meeting 
  • the importance of procedural fairness and termination.

Intended audience

This hands-on practical course is suited for front-line managers (either new or experienced) in all sectors – commercial, not-for-profit and government, who manage both large and small teams. It is for those expected to deliver results and manage the outputs of their team but who have struggled or avoided tackling those not performing.  



Delivery modes

  • Face-to-face, presenter-taught training   
  • Online training via the platform Zoom

Delivery style

This management course is an interactive workshop which includes short facilitator-led presentations, group exercises, pair work, role plays and discussions. 


All course materials are provided electronically using Dropbox. Printing services are not provided. 


Performance Management Course: Enhancing Team Success

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Management"}</p>

<p>The role of the manager is to deliver results. To do this, they need to be able to recruit well, develop relationships and ensure their staff

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Tue 18 Mar 2025
9am - 5pm (UTC+11:00)
Performance Management Course: Enhancing Team Success

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Management"}</p>

<p>The role of the manager is to deliver results. To do this, they need to be able to recruit well, develop relationships and ensure their staff

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2025-06-30 Mon 30 Jun 2025 2025-06-30 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm (UTC+10:00)
1 session, 8 hours total
$690 Limited GST free
Online via Zoom
Mon 30 Jun 2025
9am - 5pm (UTC+10:00)
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Meet the facilitators

Guy Williams has been speaking and training in sales and management education for over 20 years. Arriving in Australia from the UK in 1990, he worked at the University of Technology Sydney selling...

How to enrol

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla semper, eros vitae pellentesque dignissim, est sem egestas turpis, rutrum porttitor enim est vitae neque. In a molestie felis. Etiam nec arcu venenatis, commodo velit id, varius eros. Fusce sodales eu dolor vel consectetur. Quisque ullamcorper rhoncus augue, et sagittis felis dictum vitae. Nulla lobortis libero lacus, quis semper massa molestie quis. Sed sagittis tellus porta diam egestas, ac eleifend nulla cursus. Maecenas euismod at ante sit amet gravida. Phasellus efficitur neque non mi tincidunt, vel sodales dui vehicula. Sed id dapibus nibh. Sed velit leo, bibendum vitae eros vitae, ultricies tincidunt enim. Proin fringilla erat nec quam dapibus, vel suscipit mauris accumsan. Duis nulla est, porta ut consectetur congue, faucibus vitae orci. Phasellus blandit ut diam et tincidunt. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum sed ante commodo pretium. In vestibulum finibus eros, ut mollis velit blandit gravida. Quisque nunc nunc, vestibulum eu suscipit fermentum, vehicula id sapien. Aliquam consequat gravida augue sagittis feugiat. Donec ac facilisis augue, sed ullamcorper neque.


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