Management | CCE University of Sydney
Centre for Continuing Education

Management courses

Management courses. Gain the skills you need to excel as a manager.

Are you looking for a way to build your confidence and management skills? Or are you in need of the knowledge and tools to excel in any managerial role? Look no further than our management courses!

We believe that anyone can become a successful manager. With our short courses, we’re giving you the opportunity to do just that. Our training is specifically designed to equip you with the strategies and tactics needed for effective management whether it be developing relationships with employees or tackling complex situations.

It’s said that leaders are born, but managers can be made. No matter your natural aptitude, our management training will arm you with all the tools and strategies necessary to excel in your role as a manager. These specially-crafted short courses provide essential expertise that’ll give your career a needed boost while giving you the confidence to take on more difficult tasks and develop more effective relationships with employees and clients.

Getting the right balance of theory and application is key to having a successful experience. That’s why our management short courses provide strategies that you can implement at your work right away, as well as get longterm practical value for years to come. So don’t sit there wasting time when it could be put towards advancing yourself professionally. Sign up today and take control of reaching those ambitious career goals! Learn management in Sydney with management courses from the University of Sydney – your premier provider of short courses in Sydney and online.

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Leading Innovation Course: Methods and Tools for Business Modelling

Business strategy. Plan and secure success. In today's rapidly evolving business environment, marked by changes in market conditions, customer behaviour, and technological landscape, it is imperative for organisations to innovate and introduce new offerings that address emerging needs and tap into new market opportunities, thereby maintaining a competitive edge. This short course is tailored to organisations who understand that investing in staff development in creating internal... [More]
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