AI Fluency Sprint | CCE
Centre for Continuing Education

AI Fluency Sprint

Business and Management. Get ahead of the competition.

Staying ahead in the accelerating Artificial Intelligence race requires executives to make informed decisions about where and how to employ AI in their business. The AI Fluency Sprint will help you build real-world, jargon-free understanding of AI.


The sprint introduces artificial intelligence, how it works and its relationship with data, the opportunities and risks associated with AI, and key considerations in developing AI strategy and operations in an organisation. Over five modules, you will learn from experts and industry leaders, share and network with other professionals, and complete a final fluency project related to your own organisation.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe artificial intelligence, including capabilities and limitations
  • Articulate ethical principles for deployment of AI
  • Identify and develop use cases and transformational AI projects within an organisation
  • Understand key features of AI deployment and integrated work design
  • Engage confidently with all key AI stakeholders inside and outside their organisation


  • How does AI work and the relevance of data
  • Opportunities, risks and limits of AI
  • Different industry best practices in AI operations
  • Fluency project for yourself and your organisation

Intended audience

Executives, leaders, and managers who are curious about AI and their organisation.

Delivery format

Online, self-paced modules and livestreams over two weeks.

University of Sydney Alumni

University of Sydney Alumni are eligible to receive a discount on enrolments in the course. Alumni discount price is $995.00 inc GST. Apply now

AI Fluency Sprint

<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Business and Management"}</p>

<p>Staying ahead in the accelerating Artificial Intelligence race requires executives to make informed decisions about where and how to

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