Project Management Course: Stakeholder Management
Course Information
Stakeholder and people management. Master soft skills for project management.
This one-day course teaches the essentials of stakeholder engagement and relationship management. Projects have a greater likelihood of success when all leaders, managers and team members are proficient in engaging and managing relationships with stakeholders.
This course aims to offer first-hand, practical experience in the importance of stakeholder engagement and management. The course aligns to modern standards for project management.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- identify and manage stakeholders by adopting a structured approach and using simple project templates
- develop a stakeholder management strategy using a structured approach and a simple template
- interpret varying stakeholder needs and describe how these impact a project
- describe the divergent interests of multiple stakeholders and their competing priorities
- extract stakeholder expectations and manage them accordingly.
Identifying your stakeholders
- Defining a stakeholder
- Organisational structure and the influence on stakeholders
Engaging your stakeholders
- Who are your stakeholders?
- Power structures
- Analysing your identified stakeholders
- Understanding the value expectations
- Engagement strategies
Managing your stakeholders
- Stakeholder management strategies
- Maintaining commitment and relationships
- Stakeholder communications planning
Stakeholder challenges
- Understanding conflict
- Remote stakeholders
- Dealing with perception
- Vendors and suppliers
- Stakeholder overload
Even more
- Simple tools and templates that can be used on your project straight away
- Exploration of advanced tools beyond the course
Intended audience
- Program Managers
- Project Managers
- Business Analysts
- Team Leaders
- Team members and subject matter experts involved in projects
- Anyone interested in improving their project management capabilities
- Anyone wanting to improve their leadership and communication skills
Delivery style
This one-day course focuses on experiential learning. Content is broken into 10 to 15 minute blocks and immediately followed by group activities where the theory is put into action.
A range of interactive methods will be used including:
- storytelling and the use of professional examples to exhibit the concepts
- self-reflection and group discussions
- case studies where the concepts are actively applied
- individual and team activities and presentations
- suggested readings for after the training.
You will receive:
- online course materials (using Dropbox) with case study activities
- an online project management toolkit with templates
- a Statement of Completion.
In order to access online course materials (using Dropbox), we recommend that you bring your own device (Windows or Mac) to class. You should ensure your device is fully charged as access to power is limited. Please note that the University does not carry any responsibility for your lost, stolen, or damaged devices whilst on the University premises.
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Stakeholder and people management"}</p>
<p>This one-day course teaches the essentials of stakeholder engagement and relationship management. Projects have a greater
...<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Stakeholder and people management"}</p>
<p>This one-day course teaches the essentials of stakeholder engagement and relationship management. Projects have a greater
...Meet the facilitators
Angela Chellas
What others say
Fantastic facilitator - I learnt so much in this course, gaining tools and approaches to apply to my own projects. I also met some amazing people and I found working together on a case study really helped embed my new skills and knowledge.
Samantha Harhagelis