HSC Mathematics Preparation Course - Standard 2 (Part 1) (January)
Course Information
HSC Mathematics. The smart way to prepare for your HSC.
This course is the first in a series of three Mathematics Standard 2 courses. The course will provide consolidation of key content and skills from Mathematics Standard Year 11 course as this will be assumed knowledge for the HSC Mathematics Standard 2 Examination. The topics covered in this course include Algebra, Financial Mathematics, Measurement and Statistical Analysis.
Other courses in this series include HSC Mathematics Preparation – Standard 2 (Part 2) (April) and HSC Mathematics Preparation – Standard 2 (Part 3) (July). You do not need to attend all three parts in order to benefit. The series is supplemented by the HSC Mathematics – Standard 2 Exam Preparation Course (September) to prepare for end of year exams.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- use algebraic and graphical techniques to compare alternative solutions to contextual problems
- represent information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form
- solve problems involving quantity measurement, including accuracy and the choice of relevant units
- perform calculations in relation to two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures
- model relevant financial situations using appropriate tools
- make predictions about everyday situations based on simple mathematical models
- develop and carry out simple statistical processes to answer questions posed
- solve probability problems involving multistage events
- use appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information in a range of contexts
- justify a response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology and/or calculations.
The following topics from the Mathematics Standard syllabus will be covered:
- Formulae and Equations
- Linear Relationships
- Interest and Depreciation
- Earning and Managing Money
- Practicalities of Measurement
- Perimeter, Area and Volume
- Units of Energy and Mass
- Working with Time
- Classifying and Representing Data
- Summary Statistics
- Relative Frequency and Probability
Intended audience
Year 12 students or accelerated Year 11 students who have already completed the previous topics.
Delivery style
Delivered as a two-day activity-based workshop where we will explore and apply mathematical knowledge and skills in a combination of lectures, tutorials and problem-solving sessions. Practice exercises are carefully graded and you will receive immediate feedback. Study skills and examination techniques will also be emphasised.
You will receive electronic copies using Dropbox of the following:
- course notes including theory and worked examples from the relevant topics
- solutions to all questions in the course notes
- HSC Questions from recent years on the relevant topics, with sample answers provided.
Bring your own device
You are required to bring your own device (Windows or Mac) and a power cord. Please ensure your device is fully charged as access to power is limited.
Please note that University does not carry any responsibility for your lost, stolen, or damaged devices whilst on the University premises.
New NESA Mathematics 2 Unit Standard Stage 6 Syllabus (2017)
A1- A2, F1.1-F1.2, M1.1-M1,3,M2, S1.1-S1.2, S2
Course evaluation
This course will be evaluated via an email on-line student questionnaire delivered in class.
Getting Through Your HSC: A Practical Guide
While you progress through this journey and also the conclusion of your schooling life, we know you’ll have a lot on your mind – exams, future study, careers – but remember, while keeping focused on these bigger goals and aspirations, it’s also important not to forget your own health and well-being.
For tips on staying motivated and keeping focused, dealing with anxiety, keeping healthy, relaxation, pre-study exercise and more, read our article Getting Through Your HSC: A Practical Guide.