Philosophy | CCE University of Sydney
Centre for Continuing Education

Philosophy courses

Philosophy courses. For dealing with the big questions.

Are you ready to expand your wisdom and become a better thinker? Look no further than our philosophy courses. We will give you the ability to use logical reasoning and critical thinking in your everyday life. With access to the tools of logic and reason, our philosophy courses will provide you with the perspective to analyse humanity's experience of the world.

Our small but experienced team of experts use centuries-old wisdom to try and answer some of life’s greatest questions. From moral dilemmas to existence itself, we’re here to help you uncover possible answers to your biggest queries. From working through philosophical texts, carrying out philosophical debate, and conducting critical analysis exercises, our courses provide an invaluable education. We provide a supportive atmosphere where everyone can engage in meaningful discussions about current topics and ancient doctrines alike.

Enrol today and join us on a journey towards higher thought processes so that you can make well-informed decisions that shape your life significantly. Open up yourself to philosophical exploration - sign up now! Learn philosophy in Sydney with philosophy courses from the University of Sydney - your premier provider of short courses in Sydney and online.

Philosophy of Music Course

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Music is one of the oldest forms of human expression; it delights our senses, arouses our emotions, and stimulates our mind. It has also fascinated philosophers since the Ancient Greeks, down to the present. The course will cover: The role of music in history, culture and society; The major philosophers on music; Music and human emotions; Music and the imagination; Music and politics. We will use examples... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Philosophy of Architecture

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. This course explores the ways in which humans embody their ideas, spirits and power relations in built environments. Some issues discussed include: architecture and the ethics of a 'good' society; the role of creativity: imaginary cities of the mind; architecture and the phenomenal body in space; and the fundamental components of architectural design. We will begin with the Roman philosopher Vitruvius.... [More]
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Philosophy of Law Course: Jurisprudence

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. The laws of a society embody both its highest ideals and its worst nightmares. This philosophy of law course examines the origins of law and why humans invent laws for themselves. Jurisprudence is the area of philosophy interested in the study of the fundamental concepts underpinning legal systems. We will compare different cultural and historical systems of law, engage in lively discussions on issues... [More]
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Philosophy of Fiction Course: The Novel

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Storytelling belongs to the history of all humans. This course will explore why we love fiction; the elements which make up a ‘story’; and how the modern novel was invented and developed throughout history. We will begin by discussing the features which constitute a ‘novel’, and the history of it's emergence from other forms of narrative. We will also discuss issues such as: para text and framing devices;... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Aristotle - Ancient Wisdom

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Aristotle was the polymath of the Ancient world he wrote on: ethics, politics, mathematics, logic, natural philosophy, anatomy, biology, cosmology, poetry, drama, rhetoric. The enduring nature of his profound thought and fundamental insights into ethics, politic and the arts makes his philosophy as relevant now as it has been throughout Western history. This course will provide an in-depth study of all of... [More]
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Philosophy in the 21st Century Course: Ten Great Contemporary Thinkers

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Aims This course aims to provide a broad introduction to the most important issues of our age, through the works of some of the best contemporary philosophers and thinkers. We will cover a range of contemporary issues including the latest works on ecology, genetics, religion, law, language, science and the human condition. Some of the philosophers and their works we will discuss include Timothy Morton’s... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Democracy

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Astra Taylor (2019) quipped that 'Democracy may not exist but we will miss it when it’s gone': a timely remark as the discussion grows concerning the ‘crisis of democracy’ in the current world situation. During this course, we will study the philosophical and historical roots of democratic systems; why they emerge and why they falter. We will discuss the core elements that make a democracy ‘democratic’... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Spinoza

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Spinoza was one of the towering philosophers of the 17th century, described by Bertrand Russell as "the noblest and most lovable of all the great philosophers". His work investigates some of the deepest questions of philosophy. He made significant contributions to understanding the human mind, the emotions, moral philosophy and politics. In this introductory course, we will focus on Spinoza’s ideas and... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Philosophy of Time

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Improve your understanding of the philosophy of time and learn to discuss key concepts relating to time with confidence. In this course we consider many approaches to understanding the issue of time and what it means for us in our everyday existence. We use philosophy, chronobiology, psychology, neurobiology and the arts in our investigations. During the course, we will discuss: objective and subjective... [More]
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Philosophy Course: Machiavelli and Political Philosophy

Philosophy. Study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Machiavelli’s influence on modern political theory cannot be overstated. The Prince, his most famous work, provides an interesting lens for examining modern politics and is perhaps more relevant than ever. The term ‘Machiavellian intelligence’ refers to the principles of his political philosophy and the idea that success in politics can be secured by manging behaviours and manipulating social groups. In... [More]
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