GIS Course: Intermediate
Course Information
Data analysis and analytics. Uncover insights and transform your organisation.
Ready to take your Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data skills to the next level? The intermediate GIS course provides students with in-depth training in GIS, to meet the needs of 21st-century spatial analytics. This course enhances the toolkit of IT professionals, managers, and others, empowering them to derive a deeper generation of actionable insights using spatial data.
This course follows the initial Introduction to Geographic Information Systems course offered by CCE. Topics include geoprocessing tools, automation of spatial processes, raster imagery, metadata management, and more. Much of the course content uses the ArcGIS Pro* software, though a gentle introduction to programmatic GIS using the R programming language is included.
*ArcGIS Pro is latest version of the ESRI ArcDesktop/ArcMap interface. Those comfortable in the ArcDesktop/ArcMap 10.x environment will be comfortable using ArcGIS Pro. The first section of course content covers the latest features and changes in interface design.
This course aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of GIS techniques. It aims to increase your confidence, efficiency, and proficiency in working with spatial data, enabling you to meet the ongoing demand for critical GIS skills.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- migrate from ArcGIS Desktop 10.x to ArcGIS Pro
- run complex geoprocessing tools
- use and process raster spatial data
- work with and process other spatial data formats like KML and geojson
- build automated geoprocessing tasks in ModelBuilder or programming
- create easy-to-use layer files
- edit spatial data in Editor Mode
- update spatial data metadata.
ArcGIS Pro
- The latest ESRI GIS software interface
- Additional tools for optimizing spatial data work
- Create map projects and layer files
- Use ArcGIS to create metadata
Raster data
- Raster processing
- Raster analysis
Geoprocessing tools
- Spatial Join
- Intersect
- Delete features
Other spatial data formats
- XY coordinates in csv
- json/geojson
Editor Mode
- Modify spatial geometries
- Edit Attribute Tables
Programmatic GIS
- ModelBuilder
- R programming language
- Simple features (sf) package
Intended audience
This course is designed for industry professionals and managers looking to enhance their GIS and spatial data skill set or those looking to upskill for labour market competitiveness.
It is assumed you have completed CCE’s GIS Course: Introduction (Geographic Information Systems) or have equivalent knowledge.
Delivery mode
Face-to-face, presenter-taught training in a computer lab.
Delivery style
Taught over one day, an interactive workshop that includes lectures, individual exercises and discussion.
All course materials and files are available electronically (via Dropbox). Printing services are not provided.
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Data Analysis and Analytics"}</p>
<p>Ready to take your Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data skills to the next level? The intermediate GIS course