HSC English Advanced Preparation Course - Module C: Craft of Writing
HSC English. The smart way to prepare for your HSC.
This HSC English preparation course focuses on English Advanced Module C: The Craft of Writing.
This one-day course provides:
- a comprehensive overview of the course requirements
- a review of the mandated general features of writing (allusion, imagery, narrative voice, characterisation and tone)
- an explanation of key vocabulary
- an analysis of the relevant 2019 HSC question, plus other NESA specimen questions
- explicit teaching of how language evokes emotion, in a selected group of texts from the prescribed list
- close analysis, individual activities, and group discussion on prescribed texts
- activities based upon the five required styles of writing (imaginative, discursive, persuasive, reflective, and informative).
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- analyse and respond to the syllabus and prescriptions for the HSC Advanced English Module C: The Craft of Writing
- differentiate and respond in mandated styles of writing: discursive, persuasive, imaginative, reflective
- replicate and redeploy devices used in the prescribed texts within their own writing
- understand that key literary features (eg characterisation, voice, tone) include a sub-set of other elements
- make appropriate semantic choices to describe literary devices, stylistic choices or aesthetic features in their own or others' texts.
- Critical analysis of important language devices of significant, selected prescribed texts.
- Evaluation of the suitability of language forms, features and structure for different purposes, audiences, contexts and meanings.
- Experimentation with the strategic application of language devices in different contexts.
- Examination strategies for: question/stimulus analysis; anticipating and preparing for different types of question (eg ideas-focused, text-specific, or a specified literary device or stylistic feature); integrating the provided stimulus in the response; and scaffolding/structuring the response.
Intended audience
HSC English Advanced students.
Delivery style
Small classes. Lecture and workshop style. Group discussion for interactive exploration of the texts and informed personal student responses. Students will also read and discuss sample HSC examination material provided by NESA.
You will be provided with a course booklet (electronic copy) using Dropbox. Please bring along your own copy of the text.
Bring your own device
You are required to bring your own device (Windows or Mac) and a power cord. Please ensure your device is fully charged as access to power is limited.
Please note that University does not carry any responsibility for your lost, stolen, or damaged devices whilst on the University premises.
NESA English Advanced Syllabus 2017
EA 12-1, EA 12-2, EA 12-3, EA 12-4, EA 12-5, EA 12-6, EA 12-7, EA 12-8
Getting Through Your HSC: A Practical Guide
While you progress through this journey and also the conclusion of your schooling life, we know you’ll have a lot on your mind – exams, future study, careers – but remember, while keeping focused on these bigger goals and aspirations, it’s also important not to forget your own health and well-being.
For tips on staying motivated and keeping focused, dealing with anxiety, keeping healthy, relaxation, pre-study exercise and more, read our article Getting Through Your HSC: A Practical Guide.
<p>{block name:“Course Tagline - HSC English”}</p><p>This HSC English preparation course focuses on English Advanced <em>Module C: The Craft of Writing</em>.</p><p>This one-day course provides:</p><ul